I haven't blogged in a while. This has been one of the strangest summers of my life. Other than having lots of teacher planning on my mind, there have been several "close" calls in my extended family. From a broken bone, to a near death experience, to surgery, (and a few other things I don't want to mention)... all of these things have definitely kept me on my knees. Although I've asked God a couple of times, "Why Lord?," the response I always feel in my spirit is, "All things work for good to those who love the Lord." Even though I may not see it at a particular moment, I have faith that God is up to something good. His ways are not our ways and His timing is not our timing. I also take comfort in knowing that God's will is exactly what I would choose if I knew what God knows! I love the following quote, "To desire anything other than God's will is to desire less than the very best for my life or the lives of those I love." I'm so thankful that God is the Great Orchestrator of my life. He knows exactly what I need to happen in my life to make me grow spiritually.
I want to share a couple of stories that have happened to me (personally), this summer, that have humbled me and made me thankful that God is my Faithful Protector. A few weeks ago, I loaded 4 big trash bags, full of clothes, in my car. I was going to drop them off, in a small building at a mission, a stones throw away from our neighboring country, to the south of us. As I was traveling to this place, my mom called me. I told her where I was headed and she told me to be careful (seeing as this was not the safest part of town). She told me about a gruesome incident that happened across the river just that weekend, that made me a little nervous. I told her I was pulling up to the place and I'd talk to her later. I was going to see how fast I could toss the big bags into the storage building, so I could get out of there. One bag was down and I had three to go. When I walked around to the back of my SUV, to grab another bag, a man approached me, from across the street, (HOLDING A LARGE KNIFE)! I wasn't sure what this man's intentions were. I know God helped me stay rational. I thought one of two things, "He's either here to help me or hurt me." Seeing as I usually see the glass half-full, I went with the first notion. So, without any introductions, I threw him a large bag. I quickly grabbed another bag and tossed it in the shed. At this point all rationale left me and I prayed, "Oh please God help him not to stab me." All of the sudden my foot steps caught up with my accelerated heart rate and all I wanted to do was jump in my car. I quickly closed the back door, of my car, while he asked me in Spanish if there were anymore bags. I said, "No," jumped in my car and sped off. The seriousness of the situation hit me as I left the scene, and there were two things I wanted to do: Thank the Lord for protecting me and call my mom!
After venting to my mom, I had to talk to my sister. She said something that made a chill rush through me. She told me he could have been there to hurt me or steal my car, but God could have placed strong angels in the car that only the man could see. Only God knows what the man's intentions were, but after envisioning what might have been, I'm humbled by my God's protection!
Another protection story: As I was driving home yesterday evening (on our rural road), the west sun was in my eyes. As I was zooming across the railroad tracks, I noticed the RR lights blinking! Ten seconds later, I saw the train speed by, in my rear view mirror! At that moment, I turned the radio off and thanked God for protecting me, yet again! His timing is always perfect, so why should I ever doubt it?!
I will close with a scripture that's dear to my heart. As a teenager my mom challenged me to memorize verses from Psalm 91. I'm thankful she did. "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust." Psalm 91:1-2
2 months ago