With our crazy schedule, Christmas was upon me before I realized it. We got out of school at lunch, on Wednesday, so I headed to the mall to do all of my Christmas shopping! I love buying gifts for my girls because they are always so grateful! BTW, I don't wrap presents anymore...bags are the way to go, and Marie Callender is now one of my best friends! It makes the holidays a lot less stressful!
Here's a look at how we celebrate Christmas:
We usually have supper (for my side of the family), at the ranch, on the eve of Christmas Eve. It's pretty casual, and we always end up roasting marshmallows by a campfire.
On Christmas Eve, we head over to my mom and dad's around 4:00. My mom reads a Christmas story every year before we begin opening gifts. The book she reads is about the nativity and it has ornaments in it. The kids take turns placing the ornaments on the tree. After the story, we open gifts. My brother is usually Santa...passing out the gifts one at a time. It's a lot more meaningful this way, and it makes it last longer. I love Christmas Eve with my family. I always look around at their faces and feel so blessed. They are all such good people!
Mom, reading the story, and my youngest - with my hubby in the background.
The best sister in the entire world with our new little dog - Chico.
Trying to find the perfect place for the ornament.
My brother and his youngest.
My beautiful girls.
Amy (sis-in-law), Mom, Amber, and me
Okay, so we usually try to destroy all ants at the ranch!
Apparently, we have to go online and order ants for this farm!
Oh well, that's what she wanted!
After we have open our gifts, our extended family arrives a little later. We usually start out with Meme's famous spinach dip and chips. Once the bowl is sat down on the bar, it's like my family turns into a school of pirhannas! The dip is devoured in a matter of minutes! This year we ate turkey, dressing, and the trimmings. My mom always makes a chocolate cake and we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Then the kids open their presents, and Meme is always Mrs. Claus. For the last few years, the rest of us have had a gift exchange. It's fun and we don't have to buy as many gifts!!
Mrs. Claus and Brianna (my cousin)
Gift exchange...
"Put it down and GET THE iTUNEs CARD!"
(Me, giving Mark last minute gift advice)
Those words came out of my mouth a little more dramatic than I intended! ha!
Somebody's being funny. I wonder what or who they are laughing at?
It could be anything/anyone. My family is always laughing. I love it!
After our extended family went home, the rest of us sat around the fire, in the living room, and visited until it was hard to stay awake. Eventually, Mark, the girls and I headed to the ranch.
I was excited about spending the whole day with Mark and the girls on Christmas day. On Christmas morning, everyone started out drinking frozen hot chocolate while opening gifts. We also open our gifts one at a time. I'm Mrs. Claus at our house. The girls loved their gifts. A few of their favorites...
Can you say excited?! A new Bible and cover were Jeans long enough for long legs!
Our tech savvy girl loved #1 on her list...sweet girl.
After opening our gifts, the girls and I went to the kitchen and made a big country breakfast...biscuits and gravy, eggs, bacon, sausage, and strawberries.
Cutting up strawberries
Whipping up the eggs
Christmas breakfast...
Watching Seven Days in Utopia...such a good movie!
All in all, it was a nice, relaxing Christmas with my family. I'm looking forward to a wonderful new year with them! I thank the Lord that I have such a wonderful family and that we had such a good Christmas. I give Him the glory! I'll end with one of my favorite quotes, "Jesus is the reason for the season!"
BTW, we'll be celebrating Christmas with Mark's family on New Year's Eve. I'm looking forward to it!