I know that God uses trials and tribulations to test us and make us stronger, but sometimes it's just not fun to go through them. I was praying about a situation and needing encouragement from God when I glanced at my bookshelf and noticed an old book that was practically saying, "Hey, open me up and read me!" So, I grabbed the book off the shelf and it fell open to chapter 23, entitled "The Purpose of Trials!" I'm going to share a few things from the book that I was needing to be reminded of:
"God has a divine purpose for every challenge that comes into our lives. He doesn't send the problems, but sometimes He allows us to go through them. Why is that? The Bible says temptations, trials, and difficulties must come, because if we are to strengthen our spiritual muscles and grow stronger, we must have adversities to overcome and attacks to resist. Moreover, it's in the tough times of life that we find out what we're really made of. (YIKES!) The pressure exposes things that we need to deal with -- things such as wrong attitudes, wrong motives, areas where we're compromising. As odd as this may seem, the trials can be beneficial. If you will learn to cooperate with God and be quick to change and correct the areas that He brings to light, then you'll pass that test and you will be promoted to a new level.
Often times we're tested in the areas where we are the weakest. I've discovered in the struggles of life that God is more interested in changing me than He is in changing my circumstances.
God will use people in your life. Your own husband or wife, your in-laws, or your own children may be the unwitting mirrors that God uses to reveal areas where you need to change.
There might be a person that irritates you to no end, and you may wonder why you have to be around him/her day in and day out. You might even wonder, "When is God going to change him/her?" Have you considered that God may wanting to change you? God may have purposely arranged for you to be in close proximity to that person who grates against you. He may be trying to teach you how to love your enemies. Or, He may be trying to toughen you up a little and teach you to have some endurance, to not to run from everything that is hard, uncomfortable, or inconvenient. (OUCH!) We must recognize the refining purpose of trials. We can't run from everything that's hard in our lives!
Recognize that God wants to do a work in you. He's molding you and refining you. But you're so busy trying to evade the difficulty, the work is not being done. You're so focused on all the circumstances and all the people around you that you haven't taken time to look deep inside and deal with the issues God is bringing to light. He will put people and circumstances in your path that grate on you like sandpaper, but He will use them to rub off your rough edges. You may not always like it; you may want to run from it, you may even resist it, but God is going to keep bringing up the issue, again and again, until you pass the test.
The following is a great analogy:
Many years ago, fishing for codfish up in the Northeast had become a lucrative commercial business. The fishing industry recognized that a great market for codfish existed all over America, but they had a major problem in the distribution. At first, they simply froze the fish, as they did all their other products, and shipped it out all across the country. But for some reason, after the codfish was frozen, it lost its taste. So the owners decided to ship the fish in huge tanks filled with fresh seawater. They thought for sure that would solve the problem and keep the fish fresh. But to their dismay, this process only made matters worse. Because the fish were inactive in the tank, they became soft and mushy, and once again they lost their taste. One day, somebody decided to put some catfish in the tank with the codfish. Catfish are a natural enemy of codfish, so as the tank traveled across the country, the codfish had to stay alert and active and be on the lookout for the catfish. Amazingly, when the tank arrived at its destination, the codfish were as fresh and tasty as they were in the Northeast.
Like that catfish, perhaps your adversity was dropped in your path for a purpose. Perhaps it was put there to challenge you, to strengthen you, to sharpen you, to keep you fresh, to keep you alive and active and growing. Granted, at times, it feels as though you have a great white shark in the tank rather than a catfish, but the adversity you are facing could very well be something that God is using to push you and challenge you to be your best. The trial is a test of your faith, character, and endurance. Don't give up. Don't quit. Don't whine and complain, saying, "God, why is all this happening to me?"
Instead, stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. God is giving you an opportunity for promotion. It is the struggle that gives us strength. Without opposition or resistance, there is no potential for progress. Without the resistance of air, an eagle can't soar. Without the resistance of water, a ship can't float!
Certainly, none of us enjoy going through struggles, but you have to understand that your struggle may be an opportunity for advancement and promotion. The very thing that you are fighting against so tenaciously may be the springboard that catapults you to a new level of excellence. Your challenges may become your greatest assets!" -- YOUR BEST LIFE NOW
"Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy." -- 1 Peter 4:12
2 months ago