Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Anniversary Date

Two days ago was our 14th wedding anniversary! Mark had to work on Wednesday, so we celebrated last night. Living where we do, there's not a whole lot of options in the entertainment department. Invariably, there hasn't been a good movie at the theater the last couple of years around our anniversary either! Oh well, I guess it means Mark has to hear me yack more!

All day, yesterday, I was secretly pumped up about our date. I had been wanting to get away with him, all by myself, for the past few days. Well, around 4:45 he asked me if the vet had called and asked if the sheep was ready to be picked up. I told him I hadn't heard from the vet's office all day, so he called the office. Dr. Martin told him the sheep was ready to be picked up. Mark looked at me and said, "How quick can you get ready?" I said, "Aah, come on, I don't want to be dragging around a sheep and a trailer with us all evening." Besides, I had a whole lot of primping to do! It was going to take me a while to get ready. He kindly said he'd pick up the lamb and for me to be ready when he got back. Whew! That was a close one. I thought for a second I was going to have to compete with a sheep on our date. I put my broom down (I'd been cleaning out a bedroom all day), and hopped in the shower. Calgon take me away...

Since it was our anniversary, I thought I'd spice things up a bit and where a dress and heels. This may not have been the greatest choice of clothing, but I'll get to that later. When he walked in and saw me in a dress, he said, "I don't want to have to get dressed up." I told him he didn't have to. After 14 years of marriage, I know him pretty well. I had already ironed a pair of shorts (camo) and a shirt for him. All he had to do was put on his baseball cap and slip his flip-flops on. He likes to be casual. I can count the number of times I've seen him wear a tie, on one hand! That's o.k., I like the sporty look! So off we went, me looking like I should be going to a wedding and Mark looking like he should be going to a Ranger's game!

We decided to eat at Cripple Creek, a great restaurant outside of town. He ordered a steak and I had the grilled salmon. It was really good. We had a great meal and pleasant conversation. I hate to see couples eating by themselves and rarely talking. So, I always step up to the plate and keep the conversation going so we won't look like one of those "boring" couples who've been married for over 10 years! I know he probably appreciates me for this! ha!

After we ate, he asked if I wanted to drive out to the lake. I said, "Sure," thinking it was kind of a romantic gesture. So off we went. On our way to the lake he said he wanted to find the cliffs that he used to jump off of when he was in high school (romantic gesture just flew out the window). After about 20 minutes, we found the right road. (This is when the sporty look came in handy for Mark). We couldn't just drive up to the cliffs, we had to walk to them! We hopped out of the truck and made our way down a rocky path with cactus on both sides of us. Mark trailed on about 20 feet in front of me like nothing, and then there was me trying to walk down a rocky path in heels, while holding my dress down (it was really windy) and trying to keep my hair out of my eyes (and yes, I had spent 30 minutes fixing my hair before our date)! I swear, the only time he walks fast is when I'm wearing heels! We finally made it to the edge of the cliffs and it was beautiful! The sun was setting in the distance behind an old railroad bridge. Aah! The romantic moment I had been waiting for. Don't get me wrong, we didn't gaze into each other's eyes and whisper sweet nothings to one another or anything like that. We just enjoyed each other's company and watched the sunset in the distance. It's the little things in life like this that make me happy. I seriously don't need wine and roses, I would much prefer quality time together, even if it means walking through a stickery path , in high heels, to reminisce about days gone by.

Every married couple has their highs and lows, and we are no exception, but I can honestly say that every year with Mark gets better and better! That's so exciting to me! He's a great guy whom I love dearly. I can't wait to see what God has in store for our lives and our marriage.

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