When I was shopping yesterday, I found the coolest book! It's called, YOU CAN DO IT! by Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas. What I also love about the book is it was only $3.99 because I bought it at Ross. You've gotta love that store!
The inside cover of the book says this:
"When was the last time you dared to dream, learned something new, or did something just for you? What is on your want-to-do-list? Things you thought you'd do when you grew up or got settled, things you feel envious of other people for doing, or things you resolve to do , learn, or try every New Year's? Whether it's running a marathon, learning to sew, trekking in Nepal, or singing on stage, every now and then you look up from your bills and laundry and think, "One of these days..."
I've flipped through the book and it looks inspiring and fun! There are several things listed that I can mark off (building a web site, be your own boss, decorate a room...), several things that I want to do (run a marathon, trace my roots, learn a foreign language, go back to school to get my master's...) several things I never thought about doing (paint a picture, be a renaissance gal, learn to knit), and there are a few things that I probably wouldn't do (fly an airplane, skydive, and walk on fire)! But, all of these things have got me thinking and dreaming! I've always wanted to be a well-rounded person, but I never seem to find the time to learn all the things I want to. This book is just what I need to get me started in following my dreams.
The author's purpose was to boost women's self-esteem by helping them achieve their goals, realize their dreams, and embrace life's joys and challenges to the fullest!
I always tell my girls that they can do anything they set their minds to, and that they "can do all things through Christ who gives them strength!" Phil. 4:13 Lots of times, as moms, we try and give our kids great advice and encouragement, when at the same time we should be taking our own advice to heart! When our kids see us learning and doing new things, it will make them want to do the same thing! I encourage everyone who reads this blog to buy this book, or at least write your goals and dreams down in a journal and follow through with them. "Because wherever you are is the perfect place to begin!" Until next time...
**By the way, I learned how to find a picture (of the book) and copy it to my blog. The info was on page 127, where it talks about creating your own website! Yes, I should have known how to do that, but all this web stuff is new to me!