Saturday, October 24, 2009

Throw Out The Pacifier

Just because I once sucked a pacifier when I was a baby, doesn't mean I should suck on one as an adult. Just because I looked good wearing the latest styles in high school doesn't mean those styles still look good or even fit me as an adult!!

We all change and grow and just because something "worked" for us at one stage in our lives, doesn't mean we should still keep doing it. You won't see me walking around with a pacifier in my mouth, and I don't fit into the same jeans as I wore in high school. But, that o.k.! First of all, people would probably send me to a psyche ward if they saw me with a pappy in my mouth, and my girls would be embarrassed to sit next to me in church if I tried to fit into and wear the same outfits I did as a teenager!

With that being said, as Christians, when we are trying to reach that next spiritual level why do we look back to what we once had? Have you noticed in the fashion industry that about every 20 years a certain style makes it way back on the racks in stores? As Christians, we can actually learn from this! Styles come back but with a different twist. The style has usually been revolutionized a bit. (The 80's style is back, but with a millennium twist) In the same way, we can look back at a time when our walk with God was "on fire," and use certain instances or lessons we learned in the past to revolutionize our spiritual thinking to the next level.

We might of had a wonderful Sunday School teacher, been a part of an awesome youth group, or experienced a dynamic christian seminar or retreat and that's great. But, that was for a season in our lives. Those could have been great learning times, but we can't stop there! We have to press on to a new level. I don't want to ask God to revive what I once had, I want Him to revolutionize my spiritual thinking so I can serve Him better!

"Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Therefore, let us leave elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity..." Hebrews 5:13-14, 6:1

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord." Lamentations 3:40

Friday, October 23, 2009

Not Seeing The Signs

I dropped my girls off at school this morning and then met up with a couple of friends to go walk. We went to the track field, a couple of miles outside of town. We decided to walk the curves and jog the straights, all the while talking and laughing in between. About 5 minutes after our work-out began, we noticed an EMS car (not an ambulance) parked half-way on the road with its' lights flashing. This should have been warning #1, but we basically looked at each other and said, "I wonder what's going on?" We shrugged it off and kept on walking and talking... A few minutes later we heard a couple of gun shots and one of my friends mentioned that someone must be dove hunting. We said, "Yeah, probably so," and we kept on walking... A few minutes later, my two friends said, "Hey, check out that guy on a horse." We were like, "Huh, I wonder what he's doing?" We kept walking and talking (trying to solve our country's youth problems). Then, we noticed a helicopter over head. One of my friends laughed and told the other one, "Hey! I bet that's your husband checking up on you." (He flies helicopters). We laughed and kept walking... When we finally drove back to the house, one of my friends got a message saying everyone in Brackett should be on alert because a convict, from the maximum security prison in Brackett, had just escaped! Then the lightbulbs came on!! We put 2 and 2 together. He was probably right across the road from us the whole time, hiding under a mesquite tree! That explained the road block, the mounted police, the gun shots, and the helicopter hovering overhead!

Wow! How many signs did we need! Just like these visible signs, God gives us signs too. But, we have to slow down and take the time to listen and look around us. Many times He uses the people who cross our paths or certain situations to wake us up, but we can't be preoccupied with so much "stuff" that we are blinded to the warning signs! Open my heart, eyes, and ears Lord, and help me not to be blind-sided from our real enemy, Satan!

BTW, the convict, has still not been captured and the blonde highlights in my hair really do come from a bottle!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fiery Trials

Yesterday, I watched an awesome Beth Moore video; I'd like to share what stuck out in my mind. She gave 3 different scenarios when people of God face a fiery trial. The example of a trial she gave was a christian being diagnosed with cancer.

Scenario A: We can be delivered from the fire. (Miracle)
Dividend? Our faith is built.

Scenario B: We can be delivered through the fire.
Dividend? Our faith is refined.

Key scriptures: This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it! John 11:4

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen, you love." 1Peter 1:6-9

Scenario C: We can be delivered by the fire straight into His arms.
Dividend? Our faith is perfected.

"Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12

"But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and to all the rest, that my chains are in Christ, and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear!"

We never want Scenario C to happen to us. If only our minds could wrap themselves around the awesomeness of being in heaven with Jesus, we would long for Scenario C. I think that's why we are not allowed to see how marvelous heaven is. If we knew, everyone would want to die and God's will on earth would not be carried out!,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cowgirl Cuties

My girls ended up doing very well in the Del Rio Youth Rodeo Association! My oldest won 4 buckles and the All Around Girl Saddle! It was very cool, with a turquoise allligator seat! My younger girls did extremely well too! They won really cool zebra and cheetah print tack. They were all in the same age group at this rodeo, since at the time of registering, they were 9, 11, and 12! I'm proud of the way they cheer each other on, and are excited for one another when they do well! We try to instill in them to do their best, and focus on their own times, nobody else's. I'm excited for them...they deserved these awards because they always work hard and practice! Even better, we don't have to tell them to practice, they just go do it! Way to go girls!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Morning Routine

Last night I dreamt that an irrational number really was insane and beat me over the head with a percent sign!! Aaahhh! I can't get away from this math "stuff"! I'm still substituting for Jr. High math. I have one more week to go. I guess you can say I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm going to miss seeing and interacting with the kids everyday. But, on the other hand, I'm really looking forward to fulfilling my domestic duties (to the 10th power), at home! I've fallen a little behind on my laundering duties since I've been working full time, staying in town (late) for practices, and going to v-ball games, and football games! Oh well, I guess I've done a semi-alright job, seeing as no one has had to wear dirty socks or underwear!

One thing that I was concerned about (that might suffer) if I took this long-term sub job was our morning routine. I love mornings. I guess you could say I'm a morning person. I like waking up before everyone else, getting clothes ironed and breakfast made all while have a pleasant and non-rushed attitude. For the past 7 years, since my oldest went to Kinder, we have had a morning devotion and prayer time while eating breakfast. It just starts the day out right. Occasionally, when I'd subbed in the past, my morning dialogue was devoid of "amens" and filled with "hurry-ups!" I was bound and determined that our morning schedule was not going to be derailed because I had to work for 5 weeks. Fortunately, I'm here to say that we've had a devotion and prayer time every morning, with a little something new thrown in. I set my alarm for 5:00 every morning. I get up, shower, get dressed and put my make-up on. At 5:30 I turn the TV on and watch Joyce Meyer (one of my favorite Christian teachers) while ironing the girls' clothes. These are the clothes they lay on the couch the night before. After ironing, I make breakfast, set it on the table and light a few candles. Then I wake the girls up. Luckily, we all like to eat breakfast when we wake up. They stumble to the table and sit down. We've been having candlelit breakfasts since the regular light is just too bright first thing in the morning. After breakfast, they get ready in the living room where Joyce Meyer comes on, again, at 6:30. They've enjoyed listening to her in the mornings, and they don't complain about watching preaching instead of cartoons! Amazingly, our mornings have been so smooth! I've only had to use the word "hurry-up" a couple of times since school started!!

Of course, there are some mornings when at least one child likes to help build my character! For instance, clothes might not have been picked out the morning before and "she" doesn't like what I've picked out, breakfast isn't to "her" liking, or "she" can't find her shoes. In the past, these little situations would have really irked me, since they know the rules...clothes should be picked out the night before (if not, I pick them out!), if you don't like the breakfast I make then go find something yourself w/0 complaining, and shoes go in the baskets behind the door! Well, let me tell you, it's kind of hard to lose my patience when I'm getting ready to read a devotion or scripture, about to pray or when Joyce Meyer is in the background saying we need to love more!

Basically, I want to remain loving, considerate, and patient even when schedules are a little more hectic, and saturating the mornings with God has helped tremendously! I feel like this 5 week sub job is like a dress rehearsal for what is to come within the next year or two...maybe a full-time teaching job (not Math!). Since I've passed the morning routine, I've just got to figure out a way to get warm brownies on the table when we all get home! Can you believe that's one reason why they don't want me to work! "Who's going to make us a snack when we get home?" :) Until next time...

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